Define your goal. Decide to pay the price for achieving it. Write down your plan of how you will achieve…

Sensei says

Greetings and salutations Dojo Family! The newsletter is back after a very long hiatus. (A little over 9 years, in fact.) But we are ready to help keep you informed about what’s going on at the Dojo, reconnect with the instructors, and re-affirm your training goals as well as help you reach them!

News from Z headquarters.

Z Ultimate has cancelled this years’ planned China Trip.  If you have signed up and paid, or put a deposit down, you will be receiving a full refund. At the moment, we don’t have any information on when we plan to go again; but I will let you know as more information becomes available.

We have a big year ahead!

Marin County Fair booth and Demonstration

We are planning  to do our Marin County Fair booth and Demonstration, and as a heads up we will be closed for 4 days for the fair. If you are interested in being part of the demonstration team let me know, and we always want our students to drop by the booth and talk to people about your experience with Z Ultimate. Testimonials are how we get business and more students means more fun!

Oh, and how can I forget

We turn 20 this year! We opened our doors at the Northgate Mall in July of 2000!  This year we celebrate our 20 year anniversary and we are going to celebrate in style! We are having public event in July here at the dojo and invite the community to check us out. We will have demos (demo team raise your hands please) and fun games for everyone (kempo-themed, of course) and a birthday cake.

Then at an undisclosed location (yes, the dojo again), we will have a private party for all of YOU (open to friends and family of course) to celebrate 20 years of kicking butt, taking names, and winning a few tournaments along the way! I sincerely hope you will all join us for both events. I will give you more details as we get closer to the events!

Speaking of birthday parties

Do you want to celebrate your big day with the Senseis? We offer birthday parties for ages 5-12 on Saturdays, depending on availability. Birthday parties must be scheduled at least 2 weeks prior to event. Remember, Gerald the ages are 5 -12 years old not 60-ish.

You can reach us, in the meantime, by email and you can check us out at our website.

